Natural Fertility Solutions
If you found your way to this website, you are probably feeling frustrated
about not being pregnant yet. We understand exactly how you feel,
and we want to do our absolute best to help you conceive!
Click the circular buttons below to learn a little about what we can do for you...

Why Unexplained Infertility is actually great news
Today, many women are diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'. Lynsi Eastburn, Board Certified Hypnotherapist of the HypnoFertility Foundation says, "Although women often feel helpless upon hearing of this ´condition´, it is actually great news.
'Unexplained infertility' actually means there is no physiological reason for a woman not to become pregnant. Hypnosis is one of the most powerful processes available for conquering ´unexplained infertility´." - Lynsi Eastburn
If you are experiencing this phenomena,
you are in the right place.
How We Can Help You
At The Brisbane Fertility Clinic, our Fertility Program is totally personal and adapted to each of our client's unique needs. At the Brisbane Fertility Clinic we assist you in removing old conditioning that no longer serves you and that is holding you back from achieving your dreams.
We understand that everyone will benefit from a holistic approach to their health, which includes dealing with their emotional histories. This approach is especially valuable for women who are struggling to conceive a child, including those who are using conventional medicine for infertility treatments.
Our 12 Step Fertility Program can be used whether you want to conceive naturally, or with assistance from IVF. There's more to our program than just relaxing you at our clinic. You'll be given the tools and knowledge to make optimal lifestyle changes, and will learn how to return to the tranquil state that welcomes conception. Our integrated approach also includes in-house access and referrals to both medical specialists and additional alternative health services such as acupuncture, aromatherapy,biofeedback and massage to provide holistic, comprehensive care.
Read more about our services...The Brisbane Fertility Clinic's HypnoFertility specialist, Gwendoline, can empathise with your plight. Gwendoline struggled to conceive and went through IVF 3 times, to no avail.
"There was no support available, when I was going through it, not like today. I am passionate about doing my absolute best to help others achieve success in falling pregnant."
- Gwendoline Ford, Brisbane HypnoFertiliy Clinic
Read about all our wonderful practitioners...
Did you know that studies have shown that hypnofertility can more than double your chances of successful conception? Read more science and research...
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What is HypnoFertility, or Fertility by Hypnosis?
Fertiliy by hypnosis is a safe, non-invasive, effective and affordable technique that can enhance your fertility. Our program includes several natural therapy treatments and is tailor made to give you and your body the best possible chance of getting pregnant.
How can Hypnotherapy Improve my Fertility?
If you are constantly stressed or worried about getting pregnant, these destructive thought patterns are actually creating negative self hypnosis. Just like you need to clear your body of toxins, you need to clear your mind of any conscious and unconscious blocks that may be preventing conception. This may be deep-seated conditioning or blocked thought patterns, that you are unaware of, overpowering fears, or simply misinformation and inadvertent bad habits.
Fertility by Hypnosis™ works by eliminating the main culprits of "unexplained infertility": stress and lack of confidence. Stress is literally a nervous reaction that occurs within the ANS (Automatic Nervous System, which is responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of our internal environment) and branches out to every organ in the body.
Researchers have found that stress hormones do not contribute to an environment conducive for pregnancy. Dr. Mark Bush of Colorado’s Conceptions Reproductive Center says, “There is a definite link between hormones released in the brain and decreasing a woman’s ability to release an egg.”
Give Yourself the Best Possible Chance
This hypnotherapy program is suitable whether you wish to conceive naturally, or with the assistance of IVF. This remarkably effective and affordable Fertility by Hypnosis™ program can more than double your chance of success!
Our sessions can help you tap into the power of the subconscious mind, which can promote real chemical changes in the brain that, in turn, can manifest in suitable conditions for conception.
If you have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant,
you MUST see us.
Does it Really Work?
The Science behind HypnoFertility
No-one in the world can guarantee that you will definitely become pregnant. But documented studies have shown remarkable evidence that hypnosis can dramatically improve your fertility, as well as make your pregnancy, birth and recovery periods much more enjoyable.
- Research shows that stress can interfere with and undermine the body's reproductive function, and that relieving stress greatly enhances fertility.
- The Journal of the American Medical Women's Association and Fertility and Sterility studies have indicated that "infertile" women participating in mind/body therapy experienced a 42% - 55% conception rate as compared to a 20% rate in the control group who used no mind/body techniques.
- Self-hypnosis can strengthen the immune system by 48% in six weeks, according to a study by John Gruzelier, Professor of Psychology at Imperial College School of Medicine.
- A Study undertaken in 1992 found that women who utilised mind/body techniques experienced decreased levels of depression, anxiety and anger.
- Women with a history of depressive symptoms were twice as likely to suffer subsequent infertility (Psychosomatic Medicine, 1995 vol. 57). Within 6 months of receiving hypnotherapy treatment, women with depression showed a 60% viable pregnancy rate as compared to just 24% in women who underwent no mind/body treatment. (Journal of American Medical Women's Association, 199 vol. 54)
- Professor Eliahu Levitas found that hypnosis can double the success rate of IVF. His findings were presented to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Conference in 2004.
- In 1999, Alice Dormar PhD conducted a study to show how efffective mind/body techniques were in removing unresolved issues surrounding pregnancy. In 1999, 42% of 132 infertile women participating in the mind/body program conceived within 6 months of completing it.
- In his book, 'The Psychobiology of Gene Expressions', Dr. Ernest L. Rossi suggests that hypnotic-type suggestions can activate specific genes involved with fertility and conception, including the IL-1, c-fos, and the CYP17 in a specific order.
- Dr. Alfred A. Barrios found hypnotherapy produced a 93% success rate in curing psychoneurotic patients (those with emotional or mental disorders) after only 6 sessions. Meanwhile, psychoanalysis achieved an average of 55% success rate (across 4 independant large-scale studies), and behavioural therapy recorded a 72% recovery rate. (Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal, Theory Research and Practice).
What is Hypnosis?
The word "hypnosis" springs all kind of images to mind. Often these are of people in a zombie-like trance state, or people unwittingly doing silly things on stage. There are many myths surrounding hypnosis, including that you go into a trance state where you cannot hear the hypnotist, and that you may say or do things you did not want to.
The reality is that hypnosis is a state of meditation, in which your conscious mind (the part that remembers your shopping lists, tells you to be worried about work or solves maths problems) is relaxed, so that the subconsious mind (where your imagination, emotions, habits and patterns lie) can be accessed.
Read more information on how hypnotherapy works and what it is.
For more information please see our frequently asked questions
Or visit The Hypnofertility Foundation or founder Lynsi Easterburn's website
If you long to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet in your home, don´t waste your time and money on various other infertility solutions.
Fertility By Hypnosis works!
Call us on 07 33920602 for a free consultation.